“It is on stage that we create the most total moment of escape”, confides Jenifer on tour through France

Every day, a personality invites herself into the world of Élodie Suigo. Today, singer, actress and vocal coach, Jenifer. On March 3, 2023, she started her tour throughout France after releasing her new album “n°9” in November 2022.

Jenifer is a singer, actress and coach in The Voice And The Voice Kids. The public discovered it thanks to its participation and its victory during the first season of the television show star Academy when she was only 20 years old. Many said she would not last, that she was only an ephemeral artist. We are 20 years later and so she celebrated 20 years of career with a ninth album #9released in November 2022.

franceinfo: Five million albums sold in 20 years, enough to silence your early critics. You say that this album is the one you dreamed of making. Which represents #9 ?

Jennifer: I wanted to bring back to the heart of #9 the human because I thought about this album during confinement. I missed the people as well as the stage, as with a lot of artists I imagine, and I wanted an authentic sound. I wanted to find myself in the studio to share the same passion with musicians. I arrived in London with models. These musicians didn’t know me and it was very good like that because we put Jenifer aside for a moment and that gave free rein to their creativity. We recorded in a very spontaneous way in a studio which allowed us to record in live conditions, in live conditions on tape, which brings a particular DNA to this disc.

I wondered if you hadn’t grown up too quickly. You started singing at age seven. At ten years old, you were already in the first part of C. Jérôme. Then, at 16, you left home, deciding to go to Paris on your own. You build yourself in piano bars and at 20, you win the star Academy.

I did things very quickly, very early. It’s true that I skipped some steps. I did not experience a normal adolescence. I wanted to return to “active” life. I wanted to sing because it was my setting and I think my parents, it reassured them in a way. They felt that I couldn’t get out of that frame and that encouraged them to encourage me. That’s why I left home relatively early. Yes, 16 is way too early.

When you win the Star Academy, you’re in a bit of a mess, that’s to say, it’s the first time we’ve filmed a young people’s TV show in a castle.

But I was lucky to be well surrounded. But still!

Did you manage to impose yourself?

It was out of the question for me to sing things that I didn’t want to sing, that was clear. It’s true that everything was already in the drawers and that the artists had already sent the songs for the winner. And it’s true that these were sounds that weren’t really intended for me, but afterwards, I had to be able to really find myself in the text.

After I graduated from Star Academy, I listened to tons of music. I knew what I didn’t want to do, and I more or less knew what I wanted to do.

I would like to talk about the song: Waiting which is a huge declaration of love to your children. You say : “My sons, my reason, I will be your fortress“. Is that what constitutes your essential today?

Completely. Yes, they remain my priority. I don’t really know how to express myself on this because each time, it’s an attack on modesty and I always have trouble. That’s why I chose to sing it instead, but it’s mostly about transmission. And it’s true that I’ve always made a nod to mine in each of my albums. I relate to it and it’s always easier when there’s music around.

I have the impression that this album, which is called #9 could have been called new numberthat you are completely different, that finally you have laid down armor somewhere and that you will allow yourself to live your emotions, to trust yourself.

It is well seen. I started doing it on my previous album, on New page. Yes, I reconciled with personal things. I believe, in a way, I have reconciled with myself. The story of confinement has also allowed me, somewhere, to refocus on real things, simple things, and it has allowed me to take a certain point also with myself, these last few years have been terribly intense .

And it feels good ?

Of course, it feels good. From time to time, there is always the little thing that nibbles my brain a little bit, but I put it into perspective.

I just make music, I make entertainment and I’m here to try to spread something happy.

This album is visual when you listen to it. You designed it first for the stage, that’s the image we have of it. The stage has been, since your childhood, your goal, your objective?

Completely. Yes, because that’s where we create the most total moment of escape. That’s why I go to the studio. It’s to make music, to go quickly on stage, to meet my audience. It’s great because we can accompany someone in pain or in something super happy for that matter. But here, I rather invite them to put aside what bothers them and I call them to come and celebrate for an evening and offer them a great show. We also think about the show, since then, I say: we because I’m always in the notion of a team, I’m never alone, otherwise I don’t do things and I can’t get on stage. I’m happy because finally, it’s starting to materialize and it’s coming fast. I’ll be at the AccorHotels Arena, it’s the first time, it’s a big hall, but there are many of us on stage and we put on a great show, so the hall lends itself to it. I’m waiting for that with great anticipation.

Jenifer is on tour, she will be for example, March 10 in Lille, March 11 in Renne, 16 in Dijon, March 18 in Paris Bercy, 30 in Lyon, 31 in Marseille etc…

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