Tax cuts and inequalities | The duty

Who’s against apple pie? They are rare, of course. So it is with tax cuts: all those who pay them would prefer it to be as little as possible, of course. Except that for those who are too poor to pay, the specter of reduced services becomes more real each time such a measure is proposed.

We are talking more and more about the growth of inequalities, the growth in the number of millionaires and, above all, the growth of the wealth of the 1%, here as elsewhere. These same rich, whose environmental footprint is stratospheric and who have a thousand ways to pay little tax. These same wealthy people who, through their investments, torpedo all real attempts at a paradigm shift in order to stop the destruction of nature and the climate apocalypse.

The spoiled brats who pull the strings of the puppets that are our leaders have the selfishness of a two-year-old toddler and, like this one, they don’t mean to be upset.

Will we ever have a government that has the courage to tackle this class that the laws invariably seem to favor, or will we continue to elect their facilitators, as we seem to do over and over again?

Each tax cut for the $20,000-$80,000 should be accompanied by a decidedly progressive tax increase for salaries of $150,000 and over, in addition to a solid revision of the tax system with regard to relating to capital gains, wealth and inheritance taxation, tightening loopholes, etc. This is in order not only to compensate for the reductions granted, but also to improve services to citizens, give more powers to municipalities to tackle the housing crisis, prepare for climatic hazards, restore health networks and education etc.

There is no shortage of money, on the contrary!

The shortage is at the level of political courage.

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