[EN PHOTOS] WWII veteran turns 100 in style

To celebrate his 100th birthday, a Second World War veteran from Quebec received hundreds of birthday cards from all over the world to highlight this very rare accomplishment.

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“In a few days, it exploded. I received so many letters at my postal address that the postman left them in bundles, tied with a rubber band, in front of my door! We had received more than 400 when I hand-delivered it to him on Saturday, ”explains Jordan Proust, who is behind the initiative.

[EN PHOTOS]  WWII veteran turns 100 in style


Although he is not close to the new centenary, the doctoral student in war journalism at Laval University was so marked by his first meeting with Albert Morin on the last day of Remembrance that he decided to put everything to pay him a vibrant tribute.

[EN PHOTOS]  WWII veteran turns 100 in style


The two men became friends after that day. Jordan Proust even visited Mr. Morin at the residence for independent seniors where he lives more than once.

[EN PHOTOS]  WWII veteran turns 100 in style


“In speaking with some of his former colleagues in the coast guard, I learned that he paraded standing, without a cane, until he was 97 years old. It illustrates his character and his pride. He is a man for whom I have the greatest respect,” says Mr. Proust.

[EN PHOTOS]  WWII veteran turns 100 in style


“Extremely touched”

The one who manages Passionmilitaria, a community of military history enthusiasts present on social networks, published a photo of the birthday party on February 12. We see Albert Morin brandishing a poster revealing his birthday wish: 100 cards for his 100th birthday.

“Extremely touched” by the many attentions of people he does not know, for the most part, neither Eve nor Adam, Albert Morin burst into tears when he saw the box full to bursting.

[EN PHOTOS]  WWII veteran turns 100 in style


“We read him a few letters and then everyone at the party came over to see what was sent to him. It was a very beautiful moment”, says Jordan Proust.

[EN PHOTOS]  WWII veteran turns 100 in style


The Secretary in charge of Veterans Affairs and the Memory of France, the Ministry of the Armed Forces of France, the Paris Fire Brigade and several Canadian soldiers sent a package or a card, like hundreds of citizens from all over the French-speaking world.

“Immense courage”

After enlisting in the navy at age 19 in 1942, Mr. Morin spent the rest of the Great War on a ship. He and his brothers in arms defended the North Atlantic against air raids, under constant threat from German U-boats.

[EN PHOTOS]  WWII veteran turns 100 in style


“I think he showed immense courage to stay put, knowing he was fighting an enemy who can attack without warning in a boat that is not made to fight submarines. says one of Mr. Morin’s sons, Jean-Pierre.

His father, who was responsible for reloading the machine guns on board, lost the use of an eardrum during the war.

“He is an extremely hard-working and resourceful man, he never let anything get him down and he always redoubled his efforts to achieve his ends, concludes Jean-Pierre Morin. He transmitted this pride and this will from generation to generation in our family. »

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