Puisseguin accident: justice decides to reopen the investigation



Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

E.Lagarde, G.Coulon, L.Cagnato, P.Gueny – France 3

France Televisions

The collision between a bus and a truck in Puisseguin, Gironde, in 2015, caused the death of 43 people. On the morning of Thursday March 2, justice decided to relaunch the investigation, as claimed by the civil parties.

Seven years after the bus accident To Puisseguin (Gironde), which occurred on October 23, 2015, the hope of a trial is reborn for the few survivors of the tragedy. That day, 43 people died in the collision of a bus with a truck that had missed its turn. On the morning of Thursday March 2, justice decided to reopen the investigation, to the great relief of the relatives of the victims.

A deadly fire

In 2021, justice had concluded that the excessive speed of the heavy goods vehicle driver was solely responsible. He died instantly, along with his son sitting beside him. But for the survivors, more than the collision, it was the immediate fire that was deadly, burning and asphyxiating the passengers. Today, justice wants to understand why. Mercedes, the bus manufacturer, could be placed under the status of assisted witness. Justice will also examine the issue of the additional tank installed on the truck.

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