Crennes-sur-Fraubée and its wind turbines, not far from Villaines-la-Juhel

Yesterday, we talked about a hiking circuit in Grez-en-Bouère to visit the site of a cavier mill dating from 1827. Still on the theme of wind energy, let’s take the wind on a mountain ridge of sandstone in Crennes-sur-Fraubée, near Villaines-la Juhel.

Five wind turbines rise along a hiking trail and have been providing 10 mega watts of power since 2009, enough to provide electricity to 8,600 homes with an annual power of 21 giga watts. According to the wind and the movement of the blades, a regular rustling agitates the air. This regular sound probably annoys wildlife, but has nothing to do with the intensity of regular noises produced by trucks and cars on our busy roads. And the site is superb, sometimes wild and offering points of view that one cannot forget. The whole territory is streaked with paths marked out by the ACT association of Villaines-la-Juhel which also regularly organizes hikes for the great pleasure of all.

A route to be found in the topo-guide “Mayenne of sunken lanes”
FFRandonnée in Mayenne

In the Mayenne of sunken lanes distributed from Tuesday in bookstores and supermarkets, see page 67, on a 15 km circuit, which offers exceptional views overlooking woods and meadows as far as Javron-les-Chapelles, north side and precisely on Crennes-sur-Fraubée, south side.

The precautionary measures linked to the 5th wave of covid 19 are not necessary here. I sometimes hear people talk about the great need for freedom of the French. On this circuit, ordinary barrier gestures are enough to drive out the virus. In all fraternity and in all equality, go to the conquest of your freedom by simply walking on the paths that nature offers you and in particular on one of the 63 circuits described in the Mayenne of the sunken paths.

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