It’s as if a new generation of musicians from the Quebec underground rock scene had embarked on the same time machine to land in Germany in the mid-1970s. We hear it at Choses sauvage and La sécurité, soon at YOCTO, and in patch, the first album of the eponymous quintet: kosmische musik (also called krautrock), its mechanical rhythms, its keyboards that stain like the ink on newspaper, its hypnotic and psychedelic grooves, like a renewed vision of what the music of guitars, raw, visceral and bewitching. Music born of feeling: Eliott Durocher Bundock and Jean-Bruno Pinard (synths), Lévy Bourbonnais (harmonica, sound design), Étienne Dupré (from DUU and the Klô Pelgag orchestra, bass) and Mandela Coupal-Dalgleish (drums ) jammed on tracks for two days before assembling this self-assured, convincing instrumental album like a Lego model, and just enough inspired and modern in its production not to sound like a stupid pastiche of Can or Faust.
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