operation seduction in Angola, with hopes of economic relations around agriculture

Emmanuel Macron is going to Angola on Friday March 3, as part of his tour of Africa. This country has never been part of France’s sphere of influence. Angola is very important, the Elysée hopes to establish links with this country.

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In Angola, Françafrique does not weigh on people’s minds: it is a former Portuguese colony, the risk of being accused of interference in internal politics is less there than in other African countries. The country has oil, but no food. It imports almost everything that its population consumes.

Faced with this low production, the Élysée wishes to take advantage of it to establish relations with Angola. The idea is to offer support to develop agriculture in the African country and to help it better ensure its food security.

French cereal groups are on the trip

For this, it will be necessary to identify the right products to grow in this water-rich country. Large cereal groups are on the trip to bring their expertise. The idea is also to help President Lourenço to anticipate the abandonment of fossil fuels and to secure income when oil will no longer be a source of income for Angola.

>> REPORT. Russian presence in Africa: “They say that Africa belongs to them”, worry the Gabonese

But faced with China and Russia, already present, France is starting, perhaps, with a train of delay in this battle for economic influence. “We will see what is asked of us“, retorts the Elysée which seems to want to go there gently, all in roundness, to leave its pre square.

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