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Spring is not here yet, but the processionary caterpillars have taken a bit of a lead. Dangerous for humans and dogs, they can cause serious allergic reactions.
Pine processionary caterpillars are more orange than those of oak. They measure three or four centimeters and are covered with particularly stinging hairs. Certain inhabitants of Freneuse (Yvelines) do not hesitate to speak of invasion. Some trees are thus infested with caterpillars, which feed on thorns. In winter, they protect themselves from the cold in silk cocoons that they make at the top of the branches.
Global warming favors their reproduction
“As soon as the weather is about to be good, they will descend along the trunk in single file (…) and will run in the grass to bury themselves and turn into a cocoon, and later in a butterfly”explain Daniel Vaugelade, resident of Freneuse and president of an environmental protection association. Global warming favors the reproduction of these insects. Their hairs, released into the air, cause itching and allergies, which are dangerous for humans and pets.