Remparts: the “best defender in the league” is back

The Remparts welcome with open arms the return of Evan Nause, who was, according to Patrick Roy, “probably the best defender in the league” before a broken foot suffered in early January sidelined him from action. for six long weeks.

• Read also: Junior extra: a trying week for the Remparts

No, the mighty “Red Devils” weren’t blushing during his absence. But the loss of Nause, combined with that of attackers Nathan Gaucher, James Malatesta and Mikaël Huchette as well as defender Thomas Darcy, began to weigh heavily on the shoulders of the other players.

Especially on the blue line, where the veteran amassed 25 points, including five goals, in addition to showing a spectacular differential of +40 in 29 games.

Among the backs of the league, the leader in this chapter is Sherbrooke Phoenix defender Tyson Hinds (+51 in 45 games).

“It will be good, because I think we have overtaxed our defenders a bit for a while, pointed out the head coach today. Nause was playing really good hockey before his injury. What we want is for it to gradually resume its wanderings. »

He loves hockey even more

Nause should be in uniform for the game against the Cataractes in Shawinigan on Friday night.

With a big smile on his face, while he was still doing a little “overtime” on the ice of the Youth Pavilion today, number 20 confirmed that he had obtained the green light he was impatiently waiting for.

Because never the British Columbian – whose French has greatly improved since his arrival in Quebec, three years ago – had never found himself away from the game for such a long period.

And if this foot injury, suffered when he was hit by a shot in a match, deprived him of hockey when he excelled on the ice, it is above all the team spirit that Nause is looking forward to. to regain.

” Eventually ! I’m feverish! It was hard watching the guys having so much fun while I was in the stands, the Florida Panthers prospect said. I appreciate this sport even more since I was deprived of it for so long. »

Losses that could help win

Unusual fact in their excellent season, the Remparts lost twice in their last three meetings. And these two defeats occurred at the Videotron Center, moreover.

But even if his proteges lost “two games they would have liked to win at home”, Patrick Roy said he was proud of them today.

Because, he recalls, the absence of Nathan Gaucher, James Malatesta, Mikaël Huchette and Thomas Darcy, in addition to that of Evan Nause, who will be back on Friday, is starting to “play on the core of the club.

In this context, the head coach liked “the resilience of [ses] players”.

“I liked seeing our guys keep fighting,” he said.

The Red Devils will be back in action on Friday in Shawinigan against the Cataractes. On Sunday, some 15,000 spectators attended the defeat of their favorites against the Halifax Mooseheads, the Remparts’ closest pursuers in the Eastern Conference (Quebec has 93 points, against 87 for Halifax).

At the end of their seat

And it seems that several of them liked the show, despite the final score.

It must be said that Quebec lost 4 to 0 after two periods, before scoring three unanswered goals.

“It’s funny, because everyone I’ve talked to who’s been to that game has told me it’s been a long time since they’ve been seated on the end of their seat for a hockey game. “, said the pilot of the Red Devils.

“Of course we would have liked to be on the winning side, he continued. But at the same time, I was proud of my group, because, yes, we could have started the game a little better, but when it was time to play with a sense of urgency, we were able to pick ourselves up and come back. »

Have the momentum

The story is the same on the side of Nause who, from the top of the stands, saw his teammates demonstrate “character”.

This resilience, according to Patrick Roy, could be good for the rest of the season.

“What that creates is that the guys realize that even with reduced numbers, against teams that are healthy, we are able to compete, he pointed out. So I think that gives us a momentum “Concluded the driver of the Remparts.

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