meet raptors, species unknown to the general public


Article written by

France 3 Rhones-Alpes, N. Ferro, M. Nadal, I. Murat – France 3

France Televisions

The Parc des Monts d’Ardèche has been a bird of prey paradise for years. They are scrutinized by enthusiasts of the League for the protection of birds and nature lovers.

On the plateau of Montselgues (Ardèche), to the south of the Ardèche mountain, lives a couple of royal eagles. The place is also home to Bonelli’s eagle, the Common Harrier and the Peregrine Falcon. But with Damien and Nicolas, it is another species of raptor that we discover. “I just spotted a griffon vulture, which is walking along the cliffs”. With a wingspan of 2.50 meters, the griffon vulture is one of the largest raptors in France.

For thirty years, volunteers from the League for the Protection of Birds have been collecting data on these fascinating birds. “These are little-known species, there is a great need for education”, says Nicolas Duroure, vice-president of the League and author of the guide Du Rhône au Mézenc, les rapteurs d’Ardèche. A scientific work accessible to all audiences in which he describes the bird, what it eats, where it nests, how it behaves, and especially where it is. Of the 33 species of raptors listed in France, no less than 23 are present in Ardèche.


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