Maintaining the pace, it would take another 50 years to achieve pay equity in Quebec

Three years after the adoption of the pay equity law, the hourly pay gap between men and women is 8%.

“If we report it over a full year, we can say that since December 1, women have stopped being paid for the rest of the year in Quebec,” explained Anne Plourde, researcher at the Institut de socioeconomic research and information, interviewed at LCN on Sunday.

However, she concedes that the gender pay gap is shrinking year after year.

“On the other hand, what we see is that the gap is narrowing very slowly. If we maintain the pace of this progression, it would take another 50 years before we achieve equality between men and women, ”explained the researcher.

Several factors can explain the difference in remuneration, believes Anne Plourde, including the mental burden and domestic work which falls most of the time on the shoulders of women.

“Women will find themselves more in part-time jobs, more than men. We know that the remuneration for part-time jobs is lower than the remuneration for full-time jobs, ”she explained.

She specifies, however, that Quebec, compared to the rest of Canada, has a lower wage gap, which is encouraging.

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