virtual fireplaces are a great success


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

B.Garguy-Chartier, C.La Rocca, P.Vaireaux M.Varona, N.Thévenot – France 2

France Televisions

Fictional chimney fires, available on the internet, are attracting more and more people. They allow you to recreate a warm atmosphere, with fake flames.

Chimney fires can bring conviviality or appeasement. The French would be more and more numerous to opt for virtual flames, on television screen. In the Vaucluse, a student adopted a fictitious fireplace. “I put it in the background, it’s nice, it gives a little atmosphere”, says Paul Dortindeguey, student. These fireplaces are available in just a few clicks on the internet.

“Connect to all that is comforting”

“If you can’t put a chimney, it’s a very good idea”, says a woman. Can it have beneficial virtues, other than being simply decorative. “It allows, these virtual fireplaces, to disconnect from everything that may seem anxiety-provoking and to connect to everything that is comforting”explain Sylvie Liagre Clarac, psychologist. With their impression of warmth and their lively cracklings, the fictitious chimney fires could thus impose themselves in winter.

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