all the representative unions of the SNCF call for a renewable strike from March 7

All the unions committed against the pension reform are calling for “bringing the country to a halt” on March 7.

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The CFDT-Cheminots calls for a renewable strike at the SNCF from March 7 to protest against the pension reform, the union said on Monday February 27 in a press release. Unsa-ferroviaire, Sud-Rail and the CGT-railway workers had already indicated that they were calling for such a movement.

From now on, the four representative unions at the SNCF are calling for a renewable strike. The RATP inter-union had also called for a renewable strike from March 7. On March 7, all the trade unions engaged against the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64 call for “bring the country to a standstill”.

“We will try to make it as short and as difficult as possible”reacted on Saturday on France Inter the Minister Delegate for Transport Clément Beaune. “I believe that we can responsibly try to limit the impact of these mobilizations and strikes”did he declare.

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