In Nashville, Memphis or Austin, it is so, as on Darling, that we sing the country of the origins. Except that there, it is a young man not even 30 years old who pays homage to this music, which he has loved since childhood. Theo Lawrence, three albums now, demonstrates that he knows how to sing the roots of American traditions like no one in France. Country has always been his goal, finally accessible after founding his own label, Tomika Records. “These are things I’ve always wanted to explore, he admits. Now these are my own decisions and this is a first for me.”
“When you’re young, when you have less strength to expose your musical convictions, you always have to make compromises, there are always plenty of people around you who will tell you that it’s not possible, it’s not possible. is not fashionable.”
Theo Lawrenceat franceinfo
Theo Lawrence masters all the nuances of country. He’s been spending several months a year in Austin, Texas for a few years, performing nightly in bars. It was there that he recorded this new album with his band: “The music we want to make is like you want to make a movie inspired by old-school Hollywood cinema techniques, and you want to do it with a camcorder, at home with your friends!“The most complicated, certainly, being to overcome the clichés that surround the country, little known, often mocked in France. For Theo Lawrence, “there should be good films or artists who bring it up to date with a packaging that is not so scary“.
“In France there are a lot of preconceptions about country music, there is a big misunderstanding, wrongly.”
Theo Lawrenceat franceinfo
And in the meantime, we can perfectly listen to Theo Lawrence, America in blood and in voice.
Theo Lawrence, country music and America for compasses | Yann Bertrand’s chronicle
Theo Lawrence, Darling (Tomika Records). Album available. In concert on April 12, 13 and 14 in Paris, at the Boule Noire.