California covered in snow as historic winter storm hits



Video length: 1 min.


Article written by Barbeyrac, @RevelateursFTV, N.Murviedro – France 2

France Televisions

The country’s west coast state is hit by heavy snowfall. The phenomenon is extremely rare in this region renowned for its sunshine.

Californians, used to sandals and shorts, suddenly had to cover up. A blizzard warning, unprecedented since 1989, was issued on Friday February 24 in this state on the west coast of the United States due to a heavy snowfall.

Heavy rain in Los Angeles

The spectacle of the beaches covered with a white coat delights some inhabitants. ” It’s incredible, we come here all the time, and to see this landscape that we know so well under the snow, it’s really strange”enthuses a resident.

Under the weight of the snow, many trees and electrical wires fell to the ground. In California, more than 100,000 people lost power.

Los Angeles, further south in the state, was spared the snow, but heavy rains flooded the streets. California was hit by a series of killer storms in early January. Other American regions with generally harsher winters were not spared Thursday by the trying weather conditions. That of the Great Lakes, near the Canadian border, for example, experienced power cuts.

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