Jawhar Ben Mbarek, political opponent of Kaïs Saied, arrested in connection with a crackdown against the opposition

An unprecedented wave of arrests was launched in early February in political and business circles.

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A new anti-democratic turn of the screw. Jawhar Ben Mbarek, a virulent critic of Tunisian President Kaïs Saied, was arrested on Friday February 24 in connection with a crackdown on the opposition. A campaign of arrests, unprecedented since President Saied assumed power in July 2021, was launched in early February in political and business circles.

Leader of the Citizens Against the Coup d’Etat movement, Jawhar Ben Mbarek is also one of the main leaders of the National Salvation Front (FSN). This is the main opposition coalition that emerged after Kais Saied’s coup, shaking the young democracy that emerged from the first Arab Spring revolt in 2011. Figure of the Tunisian left, Jawhar Ben Mbarek is a specialist in constitutional law and former adviser to the presidency of the government.

Twenty personalities have been arrested in Tunisia since the beginning of the month. This campaign, described by Amnesty International as a “politically motivated witch hunt”. Political activist Khayam Turki, businessman Kamel Eltaïef, ex-minister Lazhar Akremi, ex-leader of the Ennahdha movement Abdelhamid Jelassi and director of private Mosaïque FM radio Noureddine Boutar were also arrested.

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