Paul Colin designs advertising posters for the biggest companies: Peugeot, Philips, SNCF or the National Lottery. But he is not only an illustrator, the Nancéien is a committed man, he works for the Secours Populaire, for Est France, the daily newspaper of socialist democracy, or for the Spanish Republicans, and in 1940, when Pétain becomes president council and began its policy of collaboration, it ceased all its work for the State. He did not resume until after the war, notably designing the poster for the first Cannes film festival. It was then in 1946 and it was 21 years earlier, in 1925, that he met Joséphine Baker, who had just arrived from New York. It was he who designed the advertising poster for the famous Revue nègre. Joséphine Baker, who has just entered the Pantheon, paid tribute to Paul Colin in an interview in 1931: “ Under the eyes of Paul Colin, for the first time, I felt beautiful ”
The lover of Lorraine by Joséphine Baker