the Social Security proposes to revalue the consultation to 30 euros, but only under certain conditions

The National Health Insurance Fund has asked general practitioners to commit themselves “against medical desertification”, during very tense negotiations with the unions of practitioners.

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An increase under conditions. There National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam) proposed a revaluation of the consultation of general practitioners to 30 euros, on condition that they “commit against medical desertification”. This proposal was made to the unions of practitioners on Wednesday, as part of the negotiations which take place every five years on the revaluation of the consultation fee. It was confirmed by the Minister of Health, François Braun, on France 2, Thursday February 23. The consultation currently costs 25 euros. An agreement on his increase must be reached before the deadline of February 28.

“It’s a give-and-take”, said Thursday morning the Minister of Health. There must be “reciprocal commitments” in these negotiations, believes François Braun.

The Territorial Commitment Contract (CET) imposed by the Cnam requires these liberals to commit to three subjects: “The increase in the medical offer, financial access to care and the response to the care needs of the territory.” Among these commitments, intended to improve the supply of care, also include the increase in the patient base, the opening on Saturday mornings, the employment of a medical assistant, the collaboration with a nurse in advanced practice, etc.

A “provocation” for doctors’ unions

For doctors who do not wish to sign this contract, Medicare proposes to revalue the consultation to 26.50 euros, which represents “on average an annual increase of 7,000 euros” fees of a general practitioner, argues the Cnam. “I ask the doctors to take a step towards us”, insisted the Minister of Health on France 2.

The unions, who have been demonstrating for weeks to obtain an increase in their tariffs, see it, on the contrary, as a “provocation” And refuse these proposals for the moment. “It’s going to be catastrophic”, reacted on franceinfo Christelle Audigier, the founder of the Doctors for tomorrow collective, which claims 20,000 members and is at the initiative of the strikes carried out by general practitioners in recent weeks. According to her, young doctors “will flee” face “to these new constraints”. The Doctors for Tomorrow collective denounces the revaluation to 30 euros, “which only covers the inflation of the last few years”. He asks for a consultation at 50 euros.

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