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The mutuals cover part of the health expenses. But nearly 2.5 million French people have decided to do without it, in particular students, the unemployed or retirees. The 20 Hours investigated.
Doing without mutual insurance, taking a risk? A 74-year-old pensioner did his calculations: “I had mutual insurance which cost me around 325 euros per month.” With his wife, he decided to terminate his contract for hospitalization insurance. Another retiree, 79, believes that he no longer needs mutual insurance since his cardiology costs are covered 100% by Social Security.
An interesting contract?
Compulsory for working people, mutuals cover 13% of health care, including dental and hearing care. “If you have fairly good oral health, you can do the calculation of not having complementary health insurance. You may have situations where a complementary contract can be interesting, but this is certainly not the case for millions of French people”, estimates Frédéric Bizard, health economist. If a subscription is taken at the last minute, certain treatments will only be covered after a few months of contribution.