continuation of the conflict, new offensive, Russian strategy… Ask your questions to Carole Grimaud, subject specialist

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10:09 : It’s a good question. Ukraine’s resilience is indisputable. On the other hand, Western resilience is in question. The meetings that have multiplied within the EU and NATO pose this problem and the countries are organizing themselves, in particular to hold on to the long term. Ukraine will participate in this European resilience, by participating in the manufacture of certain weapons. This organization is being put in place little by little, because we have understood that ammunition stocks are dwindling. Countries must restart their production.

10:10 a.m. : Hello Madam, if the war between Ukraine and Russia continues, will Europe and the United States be able to continue to support the Ukrainian people as they do today (in particular by sending arms and ammunition ). Our stocks are probably not infinite… In the event of a “war of attrition”, is Western solidarity doomed to stop?

10:04 am : Hello everyone, delighted to join you in this live. I await your questions.

09:30 : Little reminder: Carole Grimaud, professor and founder of the think tank Center for Russia and Eastern Europe Research in Geneva, will join us in this live at 10 a.m. to answer your questions, in particular on the geopolitical and military aspect of the conflict. Do not hesitate to send us your questions now!

09:26 : “If we don’t stop this war, it will be like a fire in the forest: it will affect other European countries.”

On the eve of the anniversary of the start of the war, the former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, assured franceinfo that “Ukraine will never forget” help from France. “Vladimir Putin wanted to invade kyiv, he wanted to lead the country and none of these goals were achieved. Ukraine for its part, with its friends and partners, has already liberated more than a thousand localities”she said.

09:19 : A military plane crashed in the Valuisky district, announces (in Russian) the governor of the Russian region of Belgorod, Vyacheslav Gladkov. “Investigators have arrived on site, the situation is under control”, writes the manager. It would be a Sukhoi fighter, according to several Russian media.

08:49 : Do you have any questions about the war in Ukraine? That turns out well ! Carole Grimaud, professor and founder of the think tank Center for Russia and Eastern Europe Research in Geneva will join us in this live at 10 a.m. to answer your questions, in particular on the geopolitical and military aspect of the conflict. Do not hesitate to send us your questions now!

08:31 : Vuelvo a Kyiv un año después del inicio de la guerra.

Estaremos al lado de Ucrania y de su gente hasta que la paz regrese a Europa.

Сьогодні повертаюся до Києва.

Ми будемо з Україною та її народом, поки до Європи не повернеться мир.

08:34 : Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has arrived in kyiv, a year after the start of the war caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “We will support Ukraine and its people until peace returns to Europe”assures the Spanish head of government on Twitter.

07:52 : “It’s a big mistake to have done that, it’s not very reasonable.”

Joe Biden has again criticized Russia’s suspension of its participation in the New Start nuclear disarmament treaty. However, he added that he “do not see” in the decision announced by President Vladimir Putin of elements indicating “that he is thinking about using nuclear weapons or something like that”. He said he had not seen “no proof” to establish a change in Russia’s nuclear policy.

06:24 : Exactly 364 days ago, shortly before 5 a.m., Vladimir Putin announced the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine. A year later, here is the story of this day that shook the European continent.


06:20 : Ukraine has gradually beefed up its anti-aircraft defense systems to guard against massive Russian strikes. Western armaments have made it possible to increase the interception rate, without yet filling all the gaps.

06:09 : These 500 million euros mainly include accommodation and the allowance paid to some 100,000 displaced persons living in the territory. Almost 220 million euros have been spent “under the allowance for beneficiaries of protection” temporary granted to Ukrainians, about 260 million “for accommodation” and 10.1 million “for day care and transport”detailed the Ministry of the Interior to AFP.

06:06 : The reception of Ukrainians in France cost nearly 500 million euros over one year, announces the Ministry of the Interior.

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