Behind the scenes of vehicle inspection fraud

Two years ago, Patrice Noly was convinced he had found a good deal on the Internet. A 4×4 sold for 10,800 euros and whose technical inspection did not mention any particular failure during the sale. “The offer was correct, 123,000 km, the vehicle seemed almost new“, he says. But a few weeks later, alone in his vehicle, he suddenly loses control: “The engine cuts out, goes out, the car comes to a complete stop, the chassis is literally cut in two.

I trusted a piece of paper too much

Patrice Noly, victim

at the eye of 8 p.m.

Patrice then goes to his garage and is flabbergasted. A new technical control this time mentions eight major failures. And in particular aserious crack” as well as a “excessive corrosion” of the vehicle structure. The commissioned expert’s report is even more damning. This alerts on “dangerous to use the vehicle as it is. The latter no longer conforms to its intended purpose“.

Patrice is convinced of this:This vehicle should not pass the technical control. It had to be the case directly. I trusted a piece of paper too much. And that piece of paper fucked me up.” He filed a complaint and hopes to obtain the cancellation of the sale.

How are such practices possible?

For the purposes of our investigation, let’s borrow a car that will serve as our demonstration. It is twelve years old, 143,000 km on the odometer and has some exterior defects and signs of wear on certain parts. Heading north of Paris, we have an appointment at a state-approved automobile control center. For forty minutes, the technician will comb through 149 control points. He very quickly noticed several damages linked to the bodywork and, more seriously, a front tire with “wear indicator flower“.”There is a risk of slipping and necessarily of accident.” he assures.

Each of the data is recorded in software and analyzed by the mechanic. When comes the verdict: unfavorable technical control. Six major failures. We have two months to carry out the 750€ of repairs on the vehicle and thus be able to continue driving with it.

The verdict is not the same everywhere

We go with a discreet camera to an independent control center, on the outskirts of Paris. The same 149 points are inspected but this time we get a favorable technical inspection after explaining to the technician that we are reluctant to spend the money to carry out the repairs. He will conclude thus:I will be nice to you. But later, the tires will have to be changed.

Fraud organized on social networks

Control centers that are sometimes less observant or even accommodating. But there is also real trafficking. On social networks, technical control is the subject of organized fraud. Dozens of anonymous accounts sell false reports and vignettes, for 50 to 150 euros. We manage to get in touch with a seller.

I put you what you want on your technical control

A seller on Snapchat

at the eye of 8 p.m.

His method seems well established: “We can do this remotely. You send me the gray card. I put you what you want on your technical control“. In order to conclude the transaction, on the telephone this time, the seller explains that he works in a technical control center and affirms that the document is not a forgery. A technical control validated remotely and recorded in the computer database of the Ministry of the Interior, HistoVec.”Everything is registered with the number of the garage, the approval number. In case of problems, I put everything on the intern“, he defends himself. We will obviously not follow up on this proposal.

Issue a false technical control, punishable by one year in prison and a fine of 15,000 euros.

The production of false documents is an offence. And the controls would not be numerous enough according to Pierre Chasseray, general delegate of the association 40 million motorists who is indignant: “How can we imagine that we leave on the road vehicles that do not even deserve – for safety reasons – to be? It’s criminal to do that. Technical control is a public service mission of the State, and the State must act quickly”.

In France, 5% of vehicles circulate on our roads without technical inspection in order, yet essential for safety and the environment.


What is the technical control: when, where, points checked on the vehicles, documents given at the end of the technical control, applicable regulatory texts.

2022 review of light vehicles (source UTAC/OTC)

“40 million motorists”, 1st national association for the defense of motorists


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