French in decline | The duty

Experts agree: French is in decline even in Quebec. All the indicators point in this direction. The government seems aware of this fact and wants to mobilize its ministers to stop the decline and reverse the trend.

We are proposing, and we will surely propose, measures which, in my opinion, will change nothing in the situation, if we, as individuals, do not change our way of speaking, that is to say our very great, and too great , openness to words and expressions in English.

I have often denounced this situation and my letters have been ignored most of the time for reasons that belong to the publishers. They are surely tired of publishing texts on French.

What I notice, and this every day, is the growing use of English in the language of our stars who nevertheless earn their living with… French.

The examples are too numerous to list. One could easily speak of artists who spontaneously use the expressions “ Oh my God ! », « Fuck all! »,” It is too much ! »… And this, without counting all the English words put in quotation marks in the newspapers. Even put in quotation marks, English words become a source of contamination.

We must remind our stars that they have an influence and that the English words they use will then unfortunately be repeated by the people who follow them.

Thus, it is essential that we are individually the agents of the promotion of our language. If we started to respect our language, to respect each other, that would be a great start.

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