Psychoeducation: essential for the mental health of all Quebecers

As Psychoeducation Days are being held today and tomorrow, I believe it is essential to recall the importance of the support offered by psychoeducators, particularly with regard to mental health issues.

Specialists in adaptation difficulties, these professionals act directly in the daily lives of people and those around them to provide them with concrete tools and real means, adapted to their reality.

Support for all

Rayan is a young professional who has just been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. He wants support to understand the impact of this condition on his daily life.

Alice is 3 years old and has seizures during transitions between the different activities of the day. Her parents ask for support at home and in their daily lives to put in place strategies to increase their daughter’s ability to anticipate.

Louise has to leave her house for a residence for seniors because she suffers from dementia. Her doctor and those around her want her to continue to exercise her full potential in this new environment, despite her illness.

Julia is 16 years old. Socializing at school and her academic results generate a lot of stress that she cannot manage. She sometimes even experiences panic attacks. She would like to find concrete ways to feel better.

Arthur is in 3rd year of primary school. He exhibits disruptive behaviors that interfere with his functioning in the classroom and disturb others. His teacher needs support to develop intervention strategies adapted to the specific needs of his student.

What do all these people and those around them have in common? They could be accompanied by a psychoeducator at times when they feel vulnerable.

Well known to the general public for its presence in educational circles, psychoeducation is also present in various other sectors. Indeed, nearly 6,000 psychoeducators work in schools, but also in CHSLDs, hospitals, community organizations and directly in the environments frequented by the person, such as their home, workplace or other.

Indispensable expertise

The last few years have not been easy. The pandemic and all the upheavals it has brought about have caused adaptation difficulties for many. Even today, whether small or large, planned or unplanned, simple or complex, changes are the daily lot of everyone and it is important to continually adapt to maintain our balance.

Knowing that the needs for psychological support are glaring in Quebec and that it is sometimes difficult to obtain help, it is important to remember that the psychoeducators are present! Thanks to their expertise in terms of adjustment difficulties, their unique practice and their ability to play an advisory role with other stakeholders, they are part of the solution to promote the healthy mental health of the population.

If you or someone close to you is experiencing difficulties or psychological distress, do not hesitate to call on a psychoeducator. Like Rayan, Alice, Louise, Giulia, Arthur and their entourage, the entire population can benefit from the expertise of these professionals to find balance in their daily lives!

Schizophrenia with lonely and sad in mental health depression concept.  Depressed woman sitting against wall at home with a shadow on wall feeling miserable.  Women are depressed, fearful and unhappy.

Photo provided by Félix-David L. Soucis

Felix-David L. Soucis, ps. ed., President of the Order of Psychoeducators and Psychoeducators of Quebec

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