Vladimir Putin justifies the war in Ukraine


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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Tuesday, February 21, Vladimir Putin held his traditional speech on the state of the nation. The Russian president notably mentioned the war in Ukraine.

Tuesday, February 21, a very solemn entry for President Vladimir Putin’s annual speech to parliamentarians and Russian elites. The leitmotif: the conflict in Ukraine is the fault of the West. The Head of State certifies: “The possibility of the continuation of the Ukrainian conflict, its escalation and the number of victims rests entirely with the Western elites and of course with the current Kiev regime.” In the room, generals are there, ministers, looking serious. The Russian president asks them to stand up in memory of the fallen soldiers.

Russia will continue fighting

For their family, Vladimir Putin announces a special fund, social support and additional days off for the military. The message is clear, Russia will continue the fight whatever the cost. The head of the Kremlin also presents himself as a defender of Christian values ​​in the face of a perverted West. Finally, he asserts that the sanctions have had no impact and that new logistics corridors are being set up towards Asia.

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