Carte blanche to Stéphane Dompierre | Letter to my son (with a punch at the end)

With their unique pen and their own sensitivity, artists present their vision of the world around us. This week, we are giving carte blanche to Stéphane Dompierre.

Dude. I watch you go. It’s been a few months since you entered high school and you have the hormones in the carpet. I realize it’s time to tell you some important business. So allow me to endavidgoudreautiser the time of a text, I will still be careful not to put too many rhymes or alliterations. It’ll go fast, you’ll see. Five minutes if you don’t roll your eyes too often. Four if you don’t do dots or commas. I’m going to tell you things that women have been repeating for years, but that you have to constantly remember, it seems. GB.

Most important: don’t rape the girls. That’s pretty much the base. A simple thing to remember: would you like to be raped? It’s the same for them. It’s the girls who are attacked in the vast majority, but it’s not them who should be warned, it’s the guys. No aggressor, no victim, do we agree on that? Basic math.

Then there is consent. If you want to do something with someone, you need their consent. Sexual activity without consent is sexual abuse. It might surprise you, but in general, girls don’t like receiving penis pictures. And tell yourself that if you send some, it could be that someone puts it on the internet and that me and all your family, we fall on it. Do you want this to be the hot topic of the next party of Christmas ? Me neither.

Let go of your guy friends for a few minutes. There are girls, too. Take an interest in what they are doing. What they say. Ask them questions. Listen to the answers.

Believe me, you want to be able to have conversations with the girls instead of being stuck in the back of the schoolyard with the three-four suckers who say they don’t need that in their life, girls. Don’t just worry about them when your hormones are boiling and boiling over.

Read books written by women. He’s very good, Stephen King, but it’s not through his books that you’re going to understand women. With King, they are psychopaths, killers, deranged or a mixture of the three. In any case, they are dangerous. They kill. In real life, the statistics say it, it’s the men who kill. Don’t start with your, “Yeah, but I read a short story about a woman who…” Shh! Name me one school shooting in the United States committed by a woman, and we’ll talk about it.

Tsé, the girl who eats alone in the cafeteria, the one everyone talks about behind her back without knowing her? I’d be the proudest dad in the world if you sat down with her and asked how she’s doing.

You’d be surprised, she might be the most interesting girl in school. Behind his smile, there may be someone happy, but maybe someone very sad, who has lived through a lot of business, who tries not to show it too much by clinging to this smile- there in the face. Someone who feels out of place, who feels misunderstood, but who pretends nothing. Someone to whom your presence could do good. If you hesitate to talk to him for fear that your guy friends will find you ridiculous, tell yourself that they are just looking for an opportunity or another to laugh at you. If they are real friends, they will come over to you and sit with you.

I don’t know what you’ll become in life, but I know that if you meet women, if what you do and what you say earns you their trust and respect, and that you honor that trust and to this respect, everything will be fine. Quite frankly, I’ve always found girls cooler than guys, and I regret all the times I didn’t dare to meet them.

I’m talking to you about women, but I’m also talking about people who don’t necessarily identify with one gender or another. Go google LGBTQ+ and respect all these people, not just your friends of guys who look like you. There are some that you will find strange and complicated. I’m sorry to tell you, but you too are strange and complicated.

Life is strange and complicated.

Dude, I know you don’t exist for real, but hey, if ever a reader finds a sentence in this text interesting enough to have their son read, I can say that I didn’t have it. not written for nothing.

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