the gendarmes arrive at the home of this star of the show, suspected of abuse!

Funny surprise for Nathalie… Indeed, the candidate of “Love is in the meadow” would probably have preferred to receive other people at her house than the gendarmes on February 5, 2023. However, it was indeed the police who rang at her door. The reason ? A report from neighbors for animal abuse. But what is it really? It all started on the night of February 4 to 5, when one of his cows gave birth to a calf.

“My son took care of her all evening, we took turns, we put hay on her, a blanket, she wouldn’t move. The calf was born without any problem. My son even took pictures and made a video. It was a joyful moment”she remembers with our colleagues Once the calf is safe with its mother, Nathalie and her son decide to leave them alone. “The calving went well, there was no reason to stay with him any longer so we left him with his mother”she explains before adding: “Alas, he fell into that ditch. His mother, wanting to take him out, fell on him and he did not survive.

See also: “No matter what, he’s crazy!” : Karine Le Marchand no longer knows where to go after this sexual allusion

The gendarmes arrive at Nathalie’s “Love is in the meadow”

If the candidate of the program hosted by Karine Le Marchand regrets this “terrible accident”, however, she did not fail to attack her neighbors. The latter indeed alerted the gendarmes for animal abuse, rather than coming directly to warn his son that the calf was dying.

“The world has gone crazy! People are moving the police accusing me of abuse”deplores Nathalie before cursing and defending herself: “We do this job out of passion, we spend all our time there. We take care of our animals, their well-being. There is no battery farming here. We do veal reared under the mother and we do our job properly “. The candidate of “Love is in the meadow” deplores the fact of constantly being “forced to justify herself, for everything and more and more often”. It judges this situation “intolerable” but it is nevertheless about the daily life of people touching notoriety directly or indirectly…


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