the motion of censure of the RN largely rejected by the National Assembly

She collected only 89 votes, in the night from Friday to Saturday, far from the required majority, which is 287 votes.

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An unsurprising result. The National Assembly largely rejected, on the night of Friday February 17 to Saturday February 18, a motion of censure tabled by the National Rally (RN) against the government. With only 89 votes collected, the motion defended by Marine Le Pen on the sidelines of the pension reform project was rejected, far from the required majority (which is 287). The text is now expected in the Senate, on February 28 in committee, then on March 2 in the hemicycle.

Elisabeth Borne attacks “the opportunism of every moment” of the RN

At the podium of the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen criticized the attitude of the Nupes, considering that it had “transformed the Assembly into a ZAD”the position of the Republicans, “hostages of their ideological proximity to the presidential minority”and the majority strategy, which has “made debate impossible”. She also accused the government of having “lied” on the 1,200 euros minimum pension and long careers.

The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, considered that the motion of censure had been tabled “by a group whose silence has been deafening throughout the debates, and whose votes say nothing but the opportunism of every moment”. The head of government also did not spare the Nupes. “What sadness for the left, to pass on these benches from the eloquence of Jaurès to the salad leaf of Sandrine Rousseau”she added, accusing the Nupes of “undermine” democracy “turning it into a circus”.

>> Pension reform: the apparent discretion of the RN in the Assembly, a “formidable” strategy to “gain points”?

Republicans are “the only useful opposition”, launched MP LR Véronique Louwagie. On the left, the attacks targeted the extreme right. “We are proud to never, I mean never, serve the far right and feed its cynical project”said Socialist MP Mélanie Thomin. “We will never mix our votes with those who do not consider all human beings as brothers”defended André Chassaigne, leader of the Communist deputies.

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