the benefits of pets on humans



Video length: 2 min.


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In the 13 Hours newspaper of Friday February 17, Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist at France Télévisions, reveals a rather incredible study which shows that pets have a positive impact on our health.

Pets are said to have a positive effect on health. “In a study conducted in eight countries and involving nearly 4 million people (…), researchers calculated that those who have a dog at home have a reduced mortality of 24% compared to those who do not. don’t have any”details the doctor Damien Mascret, present on the plateau of 13 Hours, Friday, February 17.

Lower the tension

How to explain these benefits? “Firstly because people who have dogs have more physical activity than others. Secondly because stroking your four-legged friend lowers blood pressure”, explains Damien Mascret. Having a pet also makes it possible to be less socially isolated. The cat is also good for us. “An American study on people aged 50 to 83 showed that cat owners also had lower blood pressure than others”, continues the doctor. Animals also help with memory. Thus, horses came to the bedside of residents of an nursing home.

Among our sources

The benefits of animals

The benefits of dogs

Non-exhaustive list

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