“Today, the time is not for dialogue”, launches Emmanuel Macron

The President of the Republic delivered a speech at the 59th Munich Security Conference on Friday.

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“Very clearly, today is not the time for dialogue” in the context of the war in Ukraine, declared Emmanuel Macron, Friday, February 17, during a speech delivered during the 59th Conference of Munich (Germany) on security. The Head of State pointed the finger at Russia’s attitude, “who chose war, who chose to escalate war and go as far as war crimes.”

One year after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, conflict judged “catastrophic and unjustified”the French President took stock “considerable” of the war. He denounced “murders, systematic destruction of civilian infrastructure and therefore a systematization of war crimes against the Ukrainian people, but also of nuclear threats”. And this war has “on the world of calamitous effects, for which Russia bears full responsibility”insisted Emmanuel Macron, referring in particular to “the food crisis”.

“Reinvest massively” in European defense

The Head of State believes that he “there will be no lasting and complete peace on our continent unless we know how to embrace the Russian question in a lucid way, without any complacency”. Faced with this observation, the French President recalls the series of European sanctions which have been taken against Russia, as well as “military, economic and humanitarian support for Ukraine”. Emmanuel Macron wishes “intensify our support and our effort to help the resistance of the people and the Ukrainian army”. “We are ready for a protracted conflict, but saying that, I do not wish it'”he added.

In this context, Emmanuel Macron calls on the Europeans “to reinvest massively” in their defense and “rethinking our security doctrine”. “I would like us to adopt an ambitious European defense program before the summer”said the head of state.

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