Education: a rally organized in Paris against a plan to close nearly 250 classes


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

E.Meyer, V.Ponsy, N.Cohen, M.Prevost, I.Palmer, A.Grenier-Comard – France 2

France Televisions

The Paris Academy could close 187 classes in primary and 60 in college in September. Parents and teachers fear consequences on student learning, and a rally against the project is organized Tuesday, February 14 in front of the rectorate.

In front of a college in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, it is anger. At the start of the next school year, a sixth grade class will be abolished. Parents and teachers fear consequences for learning. In all, the Paris Academy could close 187 classes in primary and 60 in college in September. The rectorate justifies these closures by a drop in school demography for two years: – 4,669 secondary school students, including 1,200 in sixth grade.

A rally organized on Tuesday, February 14

The parents of students denounce an accounting logic that does not benefit their children. “What we are asking is to take advantage of this demographic decline to offer better supervision and better monitoring of students”explains Ghislaine Morvan-Dubois, President of FCPE Paris. A rally against the project is organized Tuesday, February 14 in front of the rectorate.

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