Roses for Sainte-Rose | The duty

For a moment, Turkey and Ukraine disappeared from our radar screens. On a deceptively sunny morning, the worst of what one could have imagined happened, and all of Quebec, since then, has been mourning the small municipality of Sainte-Rose. Glued to our screens, we try to find meaning. To understand what could have motivated an apparently uneventful man, also the father of little cherubs, to commit the irreparable on such a level beyond comprehension. But there is no meaning or words. Especially when dealing with angels.

The presence of François Legault and the three opposition leaders gave rise to a truce as we rarely see. The dignity and empathy they demonstrated was a reminder that, in great human dramas, our politicians are capable of greatness by simply — and infinitely — being human. All of Quebec felt it and was touched by it, even if it was primarily to the community of Sainte-Rose that this presence was dedicated.

In the weeks and months following this media bubble, we hope that all the support desired will be there for those who, from near or far, will remain forever marked by this senseless tragedy.

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