Flying object shot down: Justin Trudeau en route to the Yukon

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau assured that he intends to “do everything” to protect the safety of Canadians, Sunday morning, the day after a new incident in which an unidentified flying object was shot down in the Yukon.

• Read also: ‘Radar anomaly’: Part of Montana airspace briefly closed

• Read also: Flying object detected and shot down by NORAD in northern Canada

“The safety of citizens is our top priority. That’s why I made the decision to shoot down this unidentified object, “said Mr. Trudeau bluntly, taking stock with the press, Sunday morning, before flying to Whitehorse where he must meet indigenous leaders.

“I spoke with President Biden. We will continue to do whatever is necessary to protect the integrity of our North American territory and we will always protect the safety of Canadians and Americans,” added the Prime Minister.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) revealed on Saturday that it had spotted an unidentified object flying over the Yukon.

It was intercepted by Canadian and American aircraft, then shot down by an American F-22 fighter, with the authorization of the Prime Minister, who considers that the object “represented a reasonable threat to the safety of civil aviation “.

No information was available as to the nature of this object Sunday morning. Recovery teams were deployed on the ground and tried to find it to be able to analyze it, revealed Mr. Trudeau.

The surveillance of North American airspace has found itself in the news in recent days after the overflight of the continent by an alleged Chinese spy balloon, finally shot down off the coast of South Carolina.

Sign of the tension, NORAD also deployed fighter jets in Montana on Saturday to investigate a “radar anomaly”, without finally finding anything abnormal.

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