Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro plans to “return to Brazil in the coming weeks”

The former far-right leader applied for a six-month visa at the end of January to stay in the United States, a country he joined on December 30.

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Jair Bolsonaro joined the United States at the end of December, two days before the inauguration of Lula, his leftist rival. For the first time, Sunday February 12, the former far-right Brazilian president spoke of his return to the country. “I intend to return to Brazil in the coming weeks”he launched during a meeting with Brazilians in Boca Raton, Florida, filmed by the CNN Brasil channel (in Portuguese). “We had corruption-free governance. We worked with heart, with honesty. No retaliation, or even persecution, is justified”he also said.

In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro is being investigated by the Supreme Court to determine his role in the assault on national institutions in Brasília on January 8, led by Bolsonarists. Six hours after these attacks, the former president had finally condemned lip service “the depredations and invasions of public buildings”, while denying any responsibility. His successor on the left, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, said to himself “certain” that the former president had “prepared the coup”.

Jair Bolsonaro kept a low profile during his first few weeks in Florida, his only known activities consisting of a trip to the supermarket and another to eat fried chicken alone at a KFC restaurant. Then he came out of his reserve by delivering, before Saturday evening, two speeches to the cheers of loyal supporters. He also applied for a six-month visa at the end of January to stay in the United States, according to his lawyer.

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