the six-month-pregnant victim lost her baby

Friday February 10, 2023, at the start of the evening, Pierre Palmade was the victim of a terrible road accident in Villiers-en-Bière (Seine-et-Marne), near his home. Currently hospitalized in Kremlin-Bicêtre (Val-de-Marne), his vital prognosis is no longer engaged. The 54-year-old actor would have hit a vehicle coming from the front. On board, a 6-month pregnant woman, a six-year-old child and a 40-year-old man.

In a press release from the public prosecutor, Jean-Michel Bourles, the pregnant woman, who was in the car hit by that of the actor, lost her child.

According to initial investigations, the vehicle driven by the comedian“would have collided head-on with a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction carrying a man and a pregnant woman, as well as a 6-year-old child”, according to the same source. A third vehicle “would have hit that of this family, in the context of an accident”. The three passengers of the hit vehicle are still hospitalized. According to information obtained by BFM-TV, the vital prognosis of the woman is no longer involved, unlike those of the man and the boy yes. The driver of the third vehicle, an 86-year-old man, was injured more lightly and taken care of on the spot by the emergency services.

The public prosecutor of Melun announced this Saturday, February 11, 2023, the opening of an investigation for homicide and involuntary injuries after the collision which involved the day before a vehicle driven by the comedian. This survey for “homicide and involuntary injuries by driver resulting in total incapacity for work for more than three months” was entrusted to the Melun police station, said the prosecutor.

See also: URGENT – Pierre Palmade in very serious condition


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