A star of “Angels” who had been very discreet announces that he wants to end his life…

In the past, Yamina Niya has shown herself in many reality TV programs. It all started with the show “10 Perfect Couples” in 2017. In the process, she joined the cast of “The Villa of Broken Hearts 3” before going one better with the 3ᵉ salvo of “Holiday of the Angels”. Then the star disappeared from radar. On the Web, his admirers have become accustomed to following all his daily life with enthusiasm.

In 2021, Yamina Niya amazed her community by sharing a special moment with her darling Clément during their trip to Greece. The latter had asked for her in marriage in an idyllic setting. But according to the latest news, their relationship is no longer relevant. After having taken countless blows in recent weeks, Yamina Niya decided to take stock in video on YouTube this Wednesday, February 8, 2023. Facing the camera, the pretty brunette talks about this painful breakup, the traumas of her childhood and her suicidal thoughts .

Sensitive and concerned about the world around her, she constantly wonders about her role on earth: “I didn’t choose to play this game and I don’t want to live here. I want to leave this planet feeling nothing and having nothing to do with humans anymore. It’s really what I feel deep inside and that’s my spiritual side“. But the ex-Quentin Garcia is aware that life is also a learning process at all levels.

“Who are you going to trust?”

“You are not aware of all that I have been through in my life”, stressed Yamina Niya in tears. “I particularly experienced things with men, started at a very young age, I think of my seven years when I started having sexual abuse quite young. Not understanding what was happening to me and then a lot of things were repeated with different men. Not necessarily sexual, different psychological or physical violence and it never stopped during my life […]. There has always been a repetitive pattern.”

With Clément, she thought she had found a perfect balance. But in the long run, the passion waned due to their differences: “I’ve met so many people in my life that didn’t fit me that my brain at some point got conditioned to say, ‘Girl, you’re going to be 34. […] Who are you going to trust? […]”. Despite her fears, the pretty brunette who suffers from this situation does not definitively close the door to love.

In the darkest moments, Yamina Niya even confessed to wanting to end it. However, the star hangs on and hopes to help people who listen to him: “This message is for you if you ever find yourself in the same situation as me, if you ever think […] if here I had a button I could press and finally die and stop feeling, know that you are not alone. And to add very moved: “There is no miracle solution, try to think of something bigger: ‘The love of your family, the love of your children’ (..) it is according to your beliefs, but if you you commit suicide […]. You’ll just start over, the pain won’t go away, it’ll come back with you […] We have to try to fight together and find the taste for life […]”.


to see also: “Urgent – Illan – stars of “Angels” and Princes of love”, announces his suicide this morning and disappears from the Instagram social network…

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