“We’re not going to spend the night there!”

Over the years, Edouard Philippe has literally metamorphosed due to his alopecia. As a reminder, it is an autoimmune disease that causes him to lose his hair. To this day, the former Prime Minister sports white hair and a very sparse beard. In addition, his eyebrows have also disappeared. A physical change that makes a lot of talk in France and that, he is well aware of it.

Thursday February 9, 2023, Edouard Philippe was – once again – questioned on this subject by our colleagues from BFM TV. And obviously, he is tired of his illness being constantly highlighted during his interviews. “I explained myself once and it’s fine! A lot of people saw it and thought it was good that I talked about it”, replied the principal concerned. The opportunity for him to evoke the countless messages of support he has received on the Web: “I had a lot of expressions of sympathy and it is very pleasant, I am very happy and very grateful. I said it once because I thought it had to be done.”

Annoyed, Edouard Philippe put an end without blinking to the discussion focused on his physique: “Well, I did it once, we’re not going to spend the night on it! And so now we’re going to move on!”. A reaction that can be understood. On February 2, 2023 against Bruce Toussaint always for BFM TV, the mayor of Le Havre has agreed to lift the veil on his impressive physical transformation.

“I lost my eyebrows and I don’t think they will come back. My beard has turned white and is falling out a bit. My hair is also falling out. The mustache is gone”, he explained to reassure the media. And to specify: “You will always find people who are a little miserable to say that behind that, there must be something a little more serious: that’s life. There are people who go through much more difficult things in France. That’s it , my eyebrows have fallen out”. End of the controversy?


to see also: “I lost 7 kilos in one week”: Edouard Philippe tells “his panic fear” in a documentary!

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