Hot topics that marked the week

Here are the hot topics that marked the week.

Tragedy in a daycare center in Laval: “It’s indescribable, how we feel”

They left for the daycare center and never came back: on Wednesday, a bus driver crashed into a daycare center in a peaceful district of Laval, claiming the lives of two children and injuring six others, creating a veritable wave of shock in the province.

Health transfers: Duclos wants to “quickly” conclude bilateral agreements with the provinces


Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health of Canada

Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said Wednesday that he was hopeful of quickly concluding bilateral agreements with the provinces. In the offer that Justin Trudeau submitted on Tuesday, an envelope of $ 25 billion is reserved for them over the next 10 years. This offer was deemed “unsatisfactory” by provincial leaders, who demanded an annual increase of 28 billion.

Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: “The problem is known, but nothing changes”


The more the hours pass, the more the chances of finding survivors dwindle. Added to this are the winter temperatures which reduce the chances of survival.

Many residents of Turkey, still reeling from the earthquake, oscillate between anger against the authorities and hope to find survivors. ” I am so angry. We are a country of earthquakes, yet nothing is done. We ignore it, and after events like this, we cry,” says Nimet Aydoğan.

Roxham Road: dozens of single children and free bus tickets


The number of unaccompanied minors who find refuge in the country has quintupled since the pandemic: from 23 in 2020, they rose to 115 in 2022, show figures obtained by The Press.

Over the past year, 10 unaccompanied children have come to Roxham Road each month to seek asylum in Canada. But the phenomenon is not new. Prior to 2020, the flow of lone miners was already regular on Roxham Road.

We also learned this week that the city of New York is offering free bus tickets for asylum seekers who wish to travel to Plattsburgh, and thus reach Canada via Roxham Road.

Misleading remarks on Law 96: Emmanuella Lambropoulos does not regret anything


Emmanuella Lambropoulos

Liberal MP Emmanuella Lambropoulos, accused by the Bloc opposition of having raised a linguistic bugbear by telling the story of the grandmother of a voter who is said to be unable to obtain care in English since the adoption of the law 96, persisted and signed by declaring Monday to be “always happy to defend my voters”.

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