An old Youppi! allegedly sexually assaulted a teenager

A former impersonator of the famous Montreal Expos mascot Youppi! is accused of sexually assaulting a teenager in the 1980s and police believe he may have had other victims.

Daniel Caissy, 64, was arrested almost two weeks ago by the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM).

He appeared at the Montreal courthouse on January 30 to face charges of sexual assault and gross indecency against a 15-year-old boy.

Caissy was the hockey coach of the alleged victim at the time of the facts, which would have lasted for two years, from 1985 to 1987. The accused was then between 26 and 28 years old.

At that time, the legal age to consent to a sexual relationship was set at 14 years old.

However, the authority that Caissy exercised over him in the context of his duties as a hockey coach could be considered an aggravating factor in his file.

If the attack had taken place today, this power relationship would be even more damaging, since it would be grounds for laying criminal charges due to a change in the law.

It also raised the age of consent from 14 to 16 in 2008.

As for the accusation of gross indecency, it would be explained by the fact that Caissy would have exhibited his genitals at least once in front of players.

Mascot at times

During those same years, Caissy occasionally played the favorite mascot of young Montrealers, Youppi!

This funny character with bright orange down marked the youth of many Expos fans from 1979 to their departure in 2004.

Now owned by the Montreal Canadiens, Youppi! was even inducted into the Mascot Hall of Fame in Whiting, Indiana in 2020.


Thus, the very nature of his work meant that Caissy was in regular contact with children.

other victims

Considering in particular the closeness with young people that his two jobs gave him, Montreal police investigators believe that Daniel Caissy could have had other victims over the years.

Arrested at his Montreal home this week, the accused remained very calm and politely declined our request for an interview.

He remains at liberty pending further legal proceedings.

– With Ian Gemme, QMI Agency

  • Any relevant information can therefore be transmitted confidentially via Info-Crime by dialing 514 393-1133.

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