A weather cocktail is coming to several regions of Quebec

Quebec will be treated to a weather cocktail on Thursday that will bring a mixture of precipitation with snow and freezing rain in several areas of the south and center of the province.

• Read also: Should you remove snow from the roof of your house in winter?

Environment Canada has issued alerts for several regions affected by episodes of snow, ice and winter storms at times.

Montreal, which is spared by the warning from the federal agency, will still have its share of precipitation with a risk of freezing rain from the afternoon.

Accumulations of 2 to 4 centimeters of snow are expected in the Quebec metropolis where temperatures will be mild with 3°C on the thermometer.

In the west of the province, 2 to 4 millimeters of ice are expected Thursday evening, especially in Gatineau and Abitibi-Témiscamingue with temperatures above seasonal levels.

The freezing rain with accumulations of 4 millimeters also concerns La Mauricie, the Laurentians, Lanaudière and part of Montérégie.

From 15 to 25 centimeters of snow are expected overnight from Thursday to Friday in Quebec, while an episode of freezing rain is expected near the river, according to the federal agency.

Estrie will have its share of rain, even if the sectors a little further north will receive a little snow, but the mercury will rise to reach 5°C in the afternoon.

source site-64