Elisabeth Borne and Gérald Darmanin visiting the North, Thursday, to discuss with employees

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10:15 p.m. : No, the revaluation of the minimum pension will not reach 1,200 euros for everyone. The measure will certainly benefit retirees, but in varying proportions. We shed all the light here.

9:55 p.m. : Good evening @Siaberry, according to information from France Bleu, the Villejean campus of the University of Rennes 2 will remain closed until at least tomorrow Thursday, due to “degradation” announced its presidency. The site is blocked by students opposed to the plan to reform the pension system.

9:55 p.m. : Is the University of Rennes 2 still blocked? What about other universities?

9:06 p.m. : Good evening @Alex, the inter-union will announce two new mobilization dates on Saturday. It should be March 7 and 8, Before that there will already be the demonstrations on Saturday and Thursday February 16. Strike movements are planned for the 16th. For the other dates, no explicit call for a strike has yet been launched, but the union federations are free to do so until then.

9:04 p.m. : Hello Franceinfo! Do you know where I can find out about the next SNCF and RATP strike dates? (in particular, I would like to know if there is a risk of a strike on 02/23). THANKS !

6:41 p.m. : Can young people swing the fight against the government bill? Since the start of the mobilization against the pension reform, young people have been very present in the demonstrations and the organizations have regularly called for the blocking of high schools and universities. Can this involvement be decisive? This is the subject of Talk franceinfo, right now on Twitch.

6:06 p.m. : The inter-union will announce, on Saturday, two new dates to come for mobilization against the pension reform, Tuesday March 7 and Wednesday March 8, due to school holidays, learns franceinfo from union sources. The inter-union confirmed this afternoon the date of February 16 for a new day of mobilization.

5:22 p.m. : While the examination of the pension reform continues in the National Assembly, Brut summarizes the positions taken by the deputies.

5:06 p.m. : Does your career have holes, with periods without contributions or incomplete years? Buying back quarters can allow you to improve your retirement pension. This device, little used today, could gain in importance in the months to come. We explain how this device works.

3:55 p.m. : On the sidelines of the examination of the bill on pension reform, four complaints from RN deputies, including Marine Le Pen as president of the parliamentary group, were filed for facts qualified by the complainants as intimidation on parliamentarians, confirms the Paris prosecutor’s office to franceinfo. They are being analyzed.

3:26 p.m. : The eight main unions have just agreed on this new day of strikes and demonstrations against the pension reform. “The inter-union meeting today decided on a national day of interprofessional action on February 16”, Dominique Corona, deputy secretary general of Unsa, told AFP.

3:25 p.m. : The 5th day of mobilization will take place on Thursday February 16, announce the unions.

3:13 p.m. : #Retreats For Éric Woerth (Ren.), the concessions already made by the executive on the initial text “leave less room for maneuver” to adjust the bill during the debates. https://t.co/KGLHEBbJcc

3:12 p.m. : This is the third day of consideration of the bill on pension reform in the National Assembly. Just before the bell rang and the deputies slipped into the hemicycle, deputy Eric Woerth spoke, according to our journalist Thibaud Le Meneec who is on site.

3:04 p.m. : During his report to the Council of Ministers, Olivier Véran praised “the call for the responsibility of the unions, which invite not to block the country on Saturday”especially “for this day of departure on vacation for many compatriots”.

1:51 p.m. : A police device is set up near the demonstration which continues on its way. The youth procession is joined by new https://t.co/eTyNiDoQko and is now heading to the Sorbonne#ReformeDesRetraites https://t.co/x94XIZHKbX

1:51 p.m. : “I’m tired of faking my retirement, I want to enjoy it! »

The demonstration continues at the Pantheon, to win against Macron, the youth must go fully into the battle! https://t.co/meIIiwrpth

1:50 p.m. : “Macron you’re screwed, the youth is in the street! »

+ 250 students, high school students gathered at La Sorbonne this month to continue the strike against Macron’s #ReformeDesRetraites. Demonstration still underway in the Latin Quarter ? https://t.co/t06hH1vzVC

1:59 p.m. : Good morning . According to student groups, dozens of young people gathered at the Place de la Sorbonne in Paris, then rushed into the streets. They are currently demonstrating around the Pantheon, several people report on Twitter.

1:50 p.m. : What’s going on at the Sorbonne right now? Student demonstration? Can you confirm ?

11:55 a.m. : Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assembly, was the guest this morning of “4 Truths” on France 2. She criticized a bill “useless”, “ineffective” And “unfair” Who “falls at the worst time”.

11:48 : “We will change our pension system”, assures on France Inter Gérard Larcher, president LR of the Senate. He claims to have asked the presidents of all the political groups toe “join this reflection” without specifying how he wanted to change the “autonomous regime” of senators.

11:34 am : Aurélien Pradié has also been called to order by the executives of his party in recent days. The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, who judges the pension reform “necessary”issued an ultimatum to the rebellious deputy of his party, calling on him to vote for the text “if he really feels part of our political family”.

10:35 a.m. : The government does not intend to give in to the request of deputy LR Aurélien Pradié, who is calling for a derogation from the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64 for long careers, announces the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, on Public Senate. The vote of the LR deputies will be crucial so that the government can obtain a majority in the National Assembly on this reform project.

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