Drama in Laval | The political class “extremely upset”

(Quebec, Montreal and Ottawa) The Minister of Public Security, François Bonnardel, the Minister of Families, Suzanne Roy, and the Member of Parliament for the riding of Sainte-Rose, Christopher Skeete, left the Parliament of Quebec on Wednesday in the direction of Laval, where a bus ran into a daycare center, killing two and injuring six.

” [On va] coordinate the work with the City, with the police, with Health too. We are going to offer parents all the help we are able to give them, ”said Premier François Legault in the morning.

Visibly shaken, Mr. Legault said that “as a father, I am shaken and I find it hard. I can understand the angst [que les parents] currently live. My thoughts are truly with the children, the parents and the employees” of the daycare.

The Prime Minister will travel to Laval on Thursday, accompanied by the leaders of the opposition parties, “to offer all (his) support to the families and staff affected by this terrible tragedy”. “There is nothing more cruel than attacking our children. I keep thinking of the families and loved ones of the children who died, as well as those injured. I take this opportunity to highlight the work of the police, firefighters, paramedics and health personnel. »


Francois Legault

The Minister of Public Security, François Bonnardel, affirmed that “the security perimeter is in place”. “It’s terrible as a tragedy,” he said.

“We are with the parents. We think of the children who are in daycare. We leave our children safely at the daycare. We are extremely upset by the event. We will offer the necessary services, whether to educators or parents, and we are wholeheartedly with the families,” added Suzanne Roy.

In the office of the Minister of Health, it is indicated that Christian Dubé ensured that “all the teams are mobilized” at the Cité-de-la-Santé hospital in Laval as well as at the CHU Sainte-Justine. The minister responsible for social services, Lionel Carmant, assured that psychosocial teams were on hand to help families and educators in this tragedy.

“It’s heartbreaking to see what happened this morning. A tragedy […]. We want to send our solidarity, our prayers also accompany the victims and their loved ones,” declared the leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec Marc Tanguay. ” I am in shock. It is an unimaginable gesture and my heart is heavy for the parents and children affected. Simply awful,” added MP Filomena Rotiroti.

“It’s misunderstanding. Anger, too. Obviously, we have a role as the National Assembly to speak in unison and to say what we can do, what support we can provide. We’ve all done it. We will help as we can. […] We are very upset,” said Parti Québécois leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon.

“Parents this morning went to take their child to daycare. They thought they would leave them in a safe environment and now they have terrible news. I want to pass on all my pain and my support to the families. I am thinking of the children, their parents, the daycare workers and the first responders who are on the scene,” added Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois of Québec solidaire.

A nightmare felt everywhere

Throughout the province, mayors reacted with emotion to the tragedy during the day.

From Quebec, Mayor Bruno Marchand first spoke of a “nightmare”. “All our thoughts are directed to Laval. A special thought to the families of the injured, the children and the daycare staff. It’s horrible what is happening. The hearts of all the parents of Quebec sank thinking of what these people can live, ”he wrote.

“It is with consternation that we learn the details of the terrible incident that occurred in Laval this morning. I am heartbroken to think of the toddlers, their families and the educators who are going through a horrible ordeal. Light must be shed on this tragedy. Courage, ”said the mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, on her Twitter account.

As a gesture of solidarity, the Olympic Park has announced that the Stadium tower will be turned off on Wednesday evening.

In Gaspé, Mayor Daniel Côté, also president of the Union of Quebec Municipalities (UMQ), said he was sending his thoughts “towards the Laval community, particularly the families directly involved”. The Mayor of Terrebonne, Mathieu Traversy, and the Mayor of Longueuil, Catherine Fournier, also did the same in stride.

Online, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) wished “good luck to the first responders and the entire community who have to deal with this terrible situation”.

In Ottawa, all the leaders of the main parties reacted. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was “devastated” by the tragedy. “I can’t imagine what these families are going through now,” he said. It’s the biggest nightmare imaginable for any parent. I know that all Canadians are with these families and this community during these terrible times and we will be there during the days, months and years of mourning that will follow. »

Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet offered his condolences. “I think that, for the moment, what the situation requires is a lot of compassion, a lot of empathy for the people of Laval in general, but particularly for the families, he declared. There is nothing more precious in all of our hearts than children. »

“I am heartbroken by the violent bus attack at Laval daycare this morning,” Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre wrote on Twitter. My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones and to those injured in this tragedy. No parent should ever worry about their child’s safety. »

“It is a horrible tragedy. I have no words to express how horrible it is, reacted in turn the New Democrat leader Jagmeet Singh. My thoughts are with the families of the victims, but also I want to recognize the work of the first responders. »

With Tommy Chouinard, Mélanie Marquis and Mylène Crête

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