in Cyprus, the Pope denounces European indifference


France 3

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While traveling to Cyprus, Friday, December 3, Pope Francis made a point of honoring the migrants. A strong signal addressed to Europe, of which he denounces the indifference. Live from Cyprus, journalist Alban Mickozy talks about his speech.

“A message with an act and then words”, summarizes the journalist Alban Mickozy, live from Cyprus for France 3. The act in question is the authorization for 50 people to settle in Rome, promised by the Pope. The Vatican offers to help these people to put together a case for obtaining asylum. A reiterated experience: in 2016, 12 people were also able to take advantage of this opportunity, recalls the journalist.

Pope Francis also wished to recall that the status of migrant is not the result of a choice. In his speech, he wants to denounce the indifference of European countries. “This message, the Pope repeated it this evening in Cyprus, an island where migrants represent 4% of the population”, the highest score in all of Europe, underlines the journalist.


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