farmers demonstrate in Paris against pesticide restrictions



Video length: 1 min.


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Pointing to too restrictive constraints concerning pesticides, farmers, accompanied by tractors, came to demonstrate in Paris, Wednesday, February 8. Journalist Arnaud de la Taille takes stock of the situation, live from the capital.

Overly restrictive constraints. This is what drives farmers to demonstrate in the streets of Paris, Wednesday, February 8. On the spot, the journalist Arnaud de la Taille takes stock of the situation. “It is the number of pesticides made available for their crops which is decreasing, and this endangers French agricultural production. This is why the FNSEA and various agricultural unions are calling for a demonstration on Wednesday February 8 in Paris”explains Arnaud de la Taille.

2,000 farmers expected

A call heard by professionals in the sector, who came in large numbers to the capital. “Nearly 500 tractors are expected in the capital, 2,000 farmers and several processions have set off and should arrive at the Porte de Versailles around 8:30 a.m., then march through the capital and arrive at the stroke of noon at the Invalides, at side of the Ministry of Agriculture, to make their voices heard”continues the journalist.

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