the parliamentary battle is on


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

D. Karcher-Mourgues, C. Krauskopff-Wolff – France 2

France Televisions

The pension reform project arrived Monday, February 6 at the National Assembly. The debates were sometimes stormy.

The debate on the pension reform project was announced tense, Monday, February 7, and that did not miss. This does not prevent ministers from hammering out a well-rehearsed speech. Pension reform would simply be essential. “Let’s not be afraid to say it: in terms of pensions, it’s reform or bankruptcy”, assured the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal. Opposite, opposition on a war footing. Rachel Kéké, former housekeeper and Nupes deputy, opens the ball.

More than 20,000 amendments

“To all the ministers and deputies who are in favor of making people work until the age of 64, who among you has already done a difficult job?”, she asked. On the far right, Marine Le Pen is no exception. “Let’s sum up your message to the French: you cost too much, you have to make efforts and work two more years to balance the public accounts. But what imagination, what audacity!”, she said. On the menu of this parliamentary battle, the examination of more than 20,000 amendments. The government is looking for an agreement with the right.

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