how can you provide disaster relief with donations?

Several associations and NGOs have launched appeals for donations and are already mobilized in both countries to help the victims.

Scenes of chaos and help that is long overdue. Southeast Turkey and northern Syria were hit by a very violent earthquake on Monday February 6, killing more than 5,000 people in both countries, according to the latest reports established on Tuesday February 7. A race against time and cold has since been launched to extricate survivors from the rubble and shelter the survivors.

>> Follow live the latest information on the earthquake in Turkey and Syria

More than forty countries have already announced the dispatch of teams or relief equipment, according to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. On the other hand, in Syria, the call launched by the authorities of Damascus was especially heard by its Russian ally. To support these national delegations, numerous humanitarian aid associations are already involved in the two countries. They have appealed for donations. “Not blankets, rather donations [d’argent]”, insisted at the microphone of France Inter Ann Avril, general manager of Unicef ​​France. Here are the main mobilized NGOs that you can help.

The Red Cross and the Red Crescent

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is already at work in the two affected countries. In Turkey, Turkish Red Crescent teams have deployed to ten provinces with stocks of food and basic relief items. In Syria, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent operates on the ground to support search and rescue operations and provide first aid. A call for donations of 70 million euros has been launched.

Online donation for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Online donation for the French Red Cross.

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders teams are mobilized, particularly in Syria. The NGO provided immediate support to 23 health facilities in the governorates of Idlib and Aleppo, donating emergency medical kits and providing them with medical personnel. A needs assessment is also underway in Turkey. “The massive consequences of this disaster will require an international aid effort commensurate with these tragic events”reacted Sébastien Gay, head of mission of MSF in Syria, on the site of the NGO.

Online donation for Doctors Without Borders.


Unicef stands ready to provide humanitarian aid: providing shelter to families without a roof, equipping clinics with medicines and equipment, restoring sanitary facilities, setting up temporary classrooms for children, etc. “Five euros can purify 1,500 liters of drinking water, so small donations can go a long way in providing drinking water to children”explained on France Inter Ann Avril, general manager of Unicef ​​France.

Online donation for UNICEF.

Emergencies Alliance

Alliance Urgences brings together six international humanitarian NGOs mobilized after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, including Doctors of the World, Solidarités International and Action Against Hunger. The association has launched an appeal for donations to be able to deploy aid in areas where its various member NGOs are already established.

Online donations for the Emergencies Alliance.

The White Helmets

The White Helmets Syrians have been mobilized since the beginning of the disaster, particularly in areas controlled by the rebels. These civil protection volunteers have appealed for donations to support their teams on site.

Online donations for the White Helmets.

The Foundation of France

The Fondation de France has launched a campaign to help the victims of the earthquake. The leading philanthropy network in France plans to rapidly deploy basic necessities, before committing to reconstruction actions later on. “We have decided to mobilize the emergency fund to the tune of 100,000 euros”said on franceinfo Axelle Davezac, director general of the Fondation de France.

Online donation for the Fondation de France.

People’s Aid

Secours populaire has announced that it has released 100,000 euros from its emergency fund. The aid consists first of all of food, health and hygiene kits as well as shelter, via its Lebanese partner DPNA and the organizations of its Euro-Mediterranean network for solidarity. A call for donations has also been launched.

Online donation for the Secours populaire emergency fund.

Franco-Turkish associations

The Franco-Turkish associations which exist almost everywhere in France are also mobilized to help the victims. Several of them have opened kitties in order to provide direct support or finance already existing schemes. This is particularly the case of an association from Valence (Drôme) or another from Reims (Marne).

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