this time is the right one?

The start of 2023 has not been smooth sailing for Loana. Pinned down, and even badly criticized, the beautiful 45-year-old took it for her rank! She has been criticized for her dental problems, the color of her eyes which have become minnows, and even recently for her “skater” dresses considered old-fashioned, completely “has-been”. Winded up like clockwork, the former winner of the very first Loft Story had replied in a long message on Instagram to most of these critics, on January 8th. As a real tigress, the blonde had swung next to a rather flattering photo of her: “For all the “haters” who say I look like nothing now!!! Let them go attack everyone in Dubai with fabulous but doctored bodies in million dollar houses like their bank accounts promoting toothpaste… But leave me alone in my corner and be with you my incredible fans who have always been there for me… I’ve been around for over 20 years and apart from being behind a keyboard you are WHAT: SHIT… Big kisses my darlings”.

“You are right to defend yourself because some really abuse”

A message that had the merit of being clear: that these “haters” attack real criticizable targets! And let them leave him alone… And the comments of all his “Loulous” to defend their icon: “She is superb this magnificent photo”, “Magnificent Loana stay as you are”, “Crazy I agree with you”, “It is not only the physical in life !!”, “Well said t ‘es splendid Loana”, “You have good reason to defend yourself because some really abuse and are filled with wickedness.“, etc.

Visibly warmed by all these messages of love that encourage her, Loana has now decided to evolve, to change her look, to finally close all these ridiculous controversies and, perhaps, get back to basics… On her Instagram account, this Sunday, February 5, the reality TV star published a magnificent shot of her, all in bohemian spirit and artistic blur. The legend ? “A bit of softness in this brutal world. Big kisses my darlings”. A beautiful replica that will silence the gossips, we wish him!

See also: “Nothing goes”, naked and “destroyed”: Loana shocks her subscribers on Instagram on a video during the Fête de la Musique


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