This is the star sign most likely to be a psychopath according to a study

Manipulators, liars, selfish, insensitive… If Scorpio and Gemini suffer from many prejudices which undoubtedly make them the least appreciated signs of the zodiac, it is not these two natives who are likely to be psychopaths. And for good reason, according to a study conducted by British author David Chester, criminals born between April 20 and May 21 are the most numerous. Taurus is therefore the sign most likely to be a psychopath according to this study.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

This Earth sign considered the epicurean of the zodiac is not at all the one we think of first when we talk about serial killers, however, Jeffrey Dahmer, nicknamed “the cannibal of Milwaukee” and HH Holmes, who would have probably killed two hundred customers in his Chicago hotel, are both Taurus.

A sign that appears calm, but is actually very sanguine. Indeed, this native is what is called a “false calm”, thus, without warning, this earth sign can go from silence to anger… And as much to say that he does not spare his emotions! Indeed, when he gets angry, this native often has trouble controlling his outbursts… This may explain why the native finds himself at the top of the ranking of the astrological signs most likely to be a psychopath…

See also: Your astro love week!


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