Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attempted on Wednesday morning to lower the temperature of the public debate sparked by controversial comments made in the past by Amira Elghawaby, the new special adviser on combating Islamophobia, by highlighting the history of the Quebec with religion.
“Quebecers are among the most ardent defenders of individual rights and freedoms, and that comes from a place in recent history where, before the Quiet Revolution, Quebec was subjected to a religion that did not respect these rights and freedoms. individuals, he said. And so, Quebecers, it comes from a good place to want to defend equality between men and women, to defend the rights of individuals, to defend the LGBTQ community. »
Mr. Trudeau said that the experience of Quebec society brings “a certain distance or even distrust of religion” and that this was, according to him, “mixed up a little with this idea of intolerance towards others”.
“But that’s not it at all. Quebecers just want everyone to be liberated and to be completely free. And so, we have this controversy, this confrontation that comes between two different ideas, ”he added before going to his weekly caucus meeting.
The Prime Minister invited a dialogue that would allow a better understanding between “these different visions of what a secular, secular society is”.
“It will be resolved when reasonable people (have) a real and deep conversation, he continued. It’s easy to go up to the barricades and point fingers at each other, but it takes people to explain the perspectives, to explain how believers of any religion can feel pained by this perspective and this reality. of Quebec culture. »
In various chronicles that have resurfaced since his appointment, Elghawaby portrayed Quebecers as “anti-Muslim” and people who may be inclined toward “the fear of losing purity — purity of blood, purity of race, purity of national traits, values and ties.”
On video | Quebec demands the resignation of Amira Elghawaby
On Wednesday, Mr. Trudeau said he was aware of “some of these comments” having resurfaced, but did not specify which ones.
“I don’t want to start going line by line. Me, I trust that he is the right person to be able to build bridges, to listen, to learn, to also teach and to bring together people who are now being very worried about each other”, he concluded.
Mme Elghawaby will meet Bloc leader Yves-François Blanchet in the afternoon.