Business Forum | Mobilize human intelligence

On the death of Peter Drucker, one of the greatest experts in management, if not the greatest, a commentator noted that his theory was based on two basic assumptions: that people act logically and that they work for the good -being of the organization.

This environment only exists on paper, since it often happens that our emotions take over and petty politics invites itself into our behaviors and decisions. It is therefore important, both in self-management and in relationships with others, to properly manage the human aspect.

In my opinion, two prerequisites in relations with colleagues and subordinates must be present, namely to validate the relationship of trust as well as to know the ambition and the deep motivations of the people with whom we interact. It is therefore necessary to question, observe and listen to have a good knowledge of human nature in order to then manage each person differently, that is to say find the leverage effect with each one.

My mother, to whom I was explaining my approach at the start of my career, had exclaimed: “My God, you are playing the psychologist! I relate this conversation to confirm that I have practiced this concept throughout my career and that it is yielding excellent results.

First, let’s talk about a relationship of trust. Everything is possible between two people when the “ROE” is present. Not the Return On Equity of Peter Drucker, but the presence of respect, openness and listening.

Receiving a colleague or employee who takes the initiative to express their disagreements, refusals, concerns or who presents their difficulties to you is a clear indicator of a good ROE on your part, because few people would allow themselves to put themselves in this way. at risk with someone with a low ROE.

Using the strengths of a colleague or employee, consulting or admitting their faults is a good indicator of your openness. A good indicator of respect, although surprising at first glance, is confronting a problematic situation or giving delicate feedback, because respecting a person means telling him what he needs to know, even if it requires emotional expense and can cause pain.

It is obviously easy to hope that time will fix everything, to seek to please, to rationalize that it is not our problem or to be afraid of poisoning our relations, but building a real relationship of trust requires, even requires, to establish an approach that can make a real difference in a person’s life.


Engaging someone is easier when you understand what drives a person.

What makes people run

Mobilizing someone is so much easier when a second prerequisite is present, which is to understand what drives a person, to find the leverage. Let’s imagine the scene where the objective is to get an employee excited about the challenge you are about to communicate to them. Human nature is such that there will be a wide variety of reactions to carrying out a project in an environment of influence but without real authority, or developing something completely new, or tackling an unfamiliar task. or having to navigate a hostile internal environment.

I am personally very motivated when I can contribute, when I have the opportunity to learn and grow while carrying out a task and also when I have the ability to say that it was ME who carried out this project. .

Other individuals are full of energy when the opportunity arises to prove something to themselves, their friends or their family.

Some people thrive on good competition while others react badly to tackling a project without formal authority.

Evolving in a favorable climate is a requirement for a certain number of individuals and earning more money is THE main motivation for other people.

There are also employees who have their own standard of excellence and who are very selective in the kind of projects that turn them on. And while most people like recognition for their work, there are many degrees to seeking status, prestige, and title.

Now back to the scene where you communicate to the employee the challenge you would like them to take on with enthusiasm. There are at least ten ways to present the challenge and one of them will have a highly positive reaction. My mother was right, because interacting successfully with others is above all a matter of psychology.

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