France and Australia sign an agreement to supply shells to kyiv

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2:45 p.m. : Let’s make a new update on the news:

The lawyer for the mother of Lucas, the teenager who committed suicide in early January, announced the organization of a white march in memory of the young boy, Sunday February 5 at 2 p.m., in Epinal (Vosges).

Some “1,000 to 2,000 ‘yellow vests'” and “200 to 400 radical elements” are expected tomorrow in Paris during the demonstration against the pension reform, according to territorial information. Follow our live.

• Ukraine denies that Russian troops are advancing, as Moscow claims, near the town of Vougledar, a new hot spot on the front in eastern Ukraine where fighting has intensified lately. Follow our live.

• The World Health Organization has maintained the maximum alert level for the Covid-19 pandemic.

2:01 p.m. : “We can no longer maintain our fields because there are mines and shells. How can we last another year without being able to harvest?”

The war has already done a lot of damage to the agricultural sector last year in Ukraine, a major player in the world trade in food products. And it will be even worse for the harvests of 2023. Our report near Kherson.

12:05 : It’s 12:05 p.m., it’s time to take stock of the news of this Monday at midday:

• On the eve of the new day of mobilization against the pension reform, Gérald Darmanin announced the mobilization of 11,000 police forces in France tomorrow.

• Russia accuses Boris Johnson of lying when he claims that Vladimir Putin personally threatened him before the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

• The World Health Organization maintains the maximum alert level for the Covid-19 pandemic.

• The famous painting Part of a Boat by Gustave Caillebotte, considered a “National Treasure”, is now part of the Musée d’Orsay in Paris.

11:34 am : Russia accuses Boris Johnson of lying when he claims that Vladimir Putin threatened him, before the invasion of Ukraine. According to the former British Prime Minister, interviewed by the BBC, the Russian president told him, in February 2022, “Boris, I don’t want to hit you, but a missile would only take a minute”.

11:21 a.m. : In the Senate, Wednesday, at 2.30 p.m., the President of the Ukrainian Parliament, Rouslan Stefantchouk, will deliver a speech in public session.

10:53 : The Ukrainian presidency raises its tone against the International Olympic Committee, which is examining the possibility of authorizing the participation of Russian athletes under a neutral banner in the 2024 Olympics. kyiv accuses it of being “a promoter of war, murder and destruction”. The IOC happily watches Russia destroy Ukraine and then offers Russia a platform to promote genocide.” Ukrainians, launched presidential adviser Mykhaïlo Podoliak on Twitter.

08:15 : “Boris, I don’t want to hit you, but a missile would only take a minute” : in a BBC documentary broadcast this evening, the former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tells that Russian President Vladimir Putin has “somehow threatened” before the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

(Wiktor Szymanowicz / NurPhoto / NurPhoto via AFP)

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